(More artworks below artist statement)

Compare to those offline pieces, an online piece of work obscures location and direction in physical space. We can put a bronze sculpture in the living room, or hang an oil painting on the south-facing wall. But how can we locate an online piece? It can not be located because it is actually everywhere. It can be showed on any screen near you. We can not predict it’s direction. It is not facing north, south or any other geographical position, but you, but every face illuminated by a monitor in the dark. You are the only direction. Cause you are the one who open a browser window, who unlock a cellphone screen, who press a power switch to turn on a laptop.

In this piece, I try to bring a kind of motion, which is perpendicular to the screen and rushing into your face, into my work. I spent time taking my pick of virtual objects available from Google 3D Warehouse and got seven objects which can be easily held in hands and throw away: a hammer, an egg, an empty bottle, a paper plane, a Dove soap bar, a porcelain plate and a high heel pump. The image of throwing different objects describes different scenes. As you can image, the one who throw a porcelain plate to crush your head, is unlikely to be the same woman who throw her high heels to you.

